dimanche 26 septembre 2010

Currency Symbols in OpenERP

OpenERP is doing lots of Improvement from the usability point of view. There is a small but good improvement in the reports that is allows to print the currency symbol on the report.

Currency configuration with new field Symbol
All accounting reports are improved, now all reports are displaying the currency symbol with the amount. It helps lot when the reports are showing the multi-currency transactions. Look at the partner ledger reports which is heaving the multiple currency transaction.

Partner ledger report

Are you waned to add the Indian currency symbol ₹ to OpenERP ?
Click here

lundi 20 septembre 2010

Account Voucher – Handling multiple currency

Here is one more video related to the account voucher, show you how easily you can manage the multiple currency during the sales and payment transactions.

Voucher made periodical reconciliation very easy

Hello !!

You have seen the simplicity of the Sales Receipt, and Sales Payment in my last two videos. It is very easy to working with the Vouchers. Manual and Automatic reconciliation are the ways to manage the periodical reconciliation process. We have also a way to manage bank reconciliation using Bank Statements.  In all the cases we have to take care in the reconciliation process that we have to match the correspondence entries to reconcile. The new innovative way which voucher offers is really simple and user friendly. It will automatically reconcile sales, and purchase with the payment, receipt and available credits.

Advance Payment from Axelor - 200 EUR
Customer Invoice - 200 EUR
Sales Receipt - 200 EUR
Full Outstanding Payment - 200 EUR
Reconcile all Advance payment and Invoices.

Accounting Vouchers - Sales Payment

Hello !!

Here is one more video that demonstrate the Sales payment very simple and easy account entry encoding system, which is develop for the OpenERP new version 6.0. you can see its very easy to do a sales entry with the sales tax, and easy to track the entries too.

More videos on the OpenERP 6.0 Account will be available soon.

Accounting Vouchers - Sales Receipt

Hello !!

After a long time i am going to publish a videos that demonstrate the very simple and easy account entry encoding system, which is develop for the OpenERP new version 6.0. you can see its very easy to do a sales entry with the sales tax, and easy to track the entries too.

Move videos on the OpenERP 6.0 Account will be available soon.

What's new in OpenERP 6.0 Accounting ?

Hello !!

I am back after a long time to discuss on the OpenERP and specially new features & enhancements in the Accounting system in new version. There are lots of improvement s to make it more simple to explore, user friendly and easy to use. There are small but important changes are terminology of the accounting terms, mature reports, easy predictable navigation of menus, and fully utilization of new features built for the OpenERP Framework Version 6.0.

If I list out some of the important developments and enhancements, it will be as follows:
  1. Re-structuring of Menus - now its very easy to predict and find the desired menus.
  2. Inbuilt multi-company feature - no need to install any module.
  3. Inbuilt multi-currency feature - no need to install any module.
  4. New legal reports - Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet.
  5. Common Filter system for all Accounting Reports - filtering on dates, periods, journals, etc..
  6. Simplified entry system for accountants - Sales, Purchase, Payment and Receipt Entries.
  7. Improved Tax calculations.
  8. Cash Register.
  9. Easy to Tracking Invoices and Accounting Entries.

New menu structure of Account application.
Easy and simplified Menu arrangements

Legal Reports - Profit and Loss account, Balance sheet
Profit and Loss Account
Profit and Loss Account Report
Balance Sheet Report
Balance Sheet

Reporting and common filters
Now you can see common report filter on all accounting reports, which will give you the facility to filter on the chart of account, Fiscal Year, Journals, Periods, Start and End Dates, also provide you the facility to change the display of reports like sorting on Date, Partners, Journals and Reports formats and other parameters. 
Common Filters for All Accounting Reports

Simplified Entry System
Now it is very easy to do Sales, Purchase, Bank / Cash Payment and  Bank / Cash Receipt just in one click, you can also add the tax and due dates while dealing with the Sales and Purchase receipt, also no need to remember outstanding bills and amount for any customers or suppliers, payment and receipt will automatically detests them. 

Sales Receipt
General Sales Entry with TAX
Sales Payment
Payment from Customer against the Outstanding Invoice

Cash Register
Now its possible with the OpenERP 6.0 to maintain the cash book like the Bank statements. Open / Close a cash box daily, weekly or monthly based on the needs.

Open Cash box with Initial Balance
Cash box with Initial Balance
Cash Transactions
Cash Transactions
Closing Cash Box
Closed cash box verified with the closing Balance
So, this way we have a complete track on the cash box, from the next statement . No need to enter the opening balance manually, the closing balance of previous statement will be carry forward to the next statement, also you can modify the carry forwarded balance too.